Gerber Accumark V16.1 Full Version | Released On November 2023

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Gerber Accumark V16.1 Full Version | Released On November 2023

Watch Gerber V16.1 Demonstration Video Here It’s time to

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Watch Gerber V16.1 Demonstration Video Here

It’s time to upgrade to Gerber AccuMark V16.1

Say hello to streamlined collaboration, higher productivity and more environmentally sustainable patternmaking and production processes.

To all product developers: the Gerber AccuMark V16.1 suite is now available! 

We have launched the latest version of our software, Gerber AccuMark V16.1. This solution boasts new capabilities and software compatibility that help fashion companies maximize productivity, profitability and improve collaboration through streamlined and eco-friendly processes.  

What’s new in Gerber AccuMark V16.1? 

Each release includes improvements based on user feedback, to increase speed, avoid repetition, improve consistency, helping you deliver products with the perfect fit, faster.  The latest version of our software suite now integrates seamlessly with our other cutting-edge solutions, enabling you to meet new industry challenges, such as optimizing fabric consumption, and improving teamwork. 

Thanks to our subscription licensing model, users can now access their software from anywhere! Download, authenticate, and use the latest Gerber AccuMark software applications without the hassle of handling dongles and license files. You can log in with your registered e-mail from any workstation or computer. It is perfect for users who are working from home or multiple locations. 

The advantages of using Gerber AccuMark V16.1 in product development

By connecting your CAD suite with Kubix Link PLM, you can accelerate collaboration and create accurate tech packs quickly and efficiently for your suppliers. You are now able to go faster from design to production by being able to work efficiently with your team members, using the latest pattern information coming from a single data source. This also error-proofs the entire process.

02. Increased fabric savings, thanks to cloud nesting

Gerber AccuMark V16.1 is interoperable with our cloud nesting application. You can now process your costing, procurement, and production markers in large volumes simultaneously, given the cloud’s powerful computing capacity. This app’s new pre- and post-processing functionalities will allow you to adapt your nesting process to fit within your production constraints. 

03. Optimized 3D workflows

We are improving the user experience and 3D simulations to create more optimized workflows. This includes a wider range of avatar sizes to help you visualize the fit of your graded patterns. With updated tools for internal cutouts and accessories, you can conceptualize your garments betteringin a wider variety of styles.

04. More consistent patternmaking in 2D

We are equipping you with an annotation library allowing you to create common texts that can be used for all patterns. By being able to store common pattern texts and share them with the rest of the team, you will be able to ensure consistency and avoid miscommunication during all production stages.  

05. More visual clarity in 2D

To provide more visual clarity, you can now hide and show images in the Image Panel to edit and read pattern files efficiently. Additionally, new functionality feature will allow you to display the internal line direction for each pattern piece. This helps to generate efficient cut files and improves visual feedback regarding the cut start location on piece perimeters.